Assessing your stakeholders’ perceptions is a critical step in developing a strategic communications plan. We use a variety of methods to determine perceptions, attitudes and opinions of the audiences you want to engage, inform or influence.
Research methods include:
- Focus groups
- Small group and one-on-one interviews
- Communications audits
- Public opinion surveys/online surveys
- Stakeholder interviews
- Issues research
Successful communications programs start with developing the right strategies to meet your goals and objectives. We work closely with you to understand what you want to achieve and help you determine the best communications strategies and tactics to meet those goals.
We provide:
- Plan development and counsel
- Message development
- Awareness and education campaigns
- Issues management
- Public meetings/information open houses/special events
- Cause-related marketing
- Community relations
- Speech and presentation writing
- Speaker bureaus
Sigler Communications has extensive expertise in stakeholder engagement and public involvement. We develop programs that solicit stakeholder feedback and work to address public concerns. This public input is used to shape our communications approach and strategies.
Services include:
- Public meetings/workshops
- Public input tracking
- Community audits/briefings
- Issues monitoring
- Planning
- Translation/interpreters
- Public education
- Risk communications
- Coalition building/advisory groups
- Tours
We provide group and one-on-one training in a number of areas to help you hone your delivery skills and ensure you are connecting with your audiences. We work with CEO, communications managers, technical experts and others to make your delivery compelling and effective.
Services include:
- Media training
- Risk communications training
- Presentation training
- Meeting management & facilitation
We concept, write and design compelling communications materials that help you tell your story. We identify the intended audiences and create materials to inform, inspire and influence.
Services include:
- Annual reports writing and design
- Brochures, fact sheets, flyers writing and design
- Newsletter writing and design
- Social responsibility/sustainability reports writing and design
- Direct mail writing and design
- Trade show displays/booths
We are up-to-speed on the latest digital communications tools and develop memorable communications that get you noticed in the digital realm.
Services include:
- Website writing and design
- Interactive displays
- eNewsletters
- Blogs
- Videos
Social media is a powerful tool to communicate and engage with stakeholders. We don’t use social media because it’s cool. We use social media if it’s going to be an effective way to reach your communications goals. We help clients evaluate how social media fits into their broader strategic communications program and which social media tools are most suitable to meet your goals. Then we help you with the creative and launch process. We are experienced with Facebook, LinkedIn, WordPress, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other platforms. We also assist clients with content creation through blogs, eNewsletters and other digital communications tools.
We help clients:
- Determine how social media aligns strategically with communications/marketing goals
- Determine the appropriate platforms
- Develop editorial calendars
- Develop and post content
- Develop the post graphics
- Develop ad buy/boost strategies
- Identify success metrics and set baseline for reporting and measurement
Good news, bad news. We do both. Our staff has extensive experience in placing stories with local and national media outlets and helping manage adverse media coverage. We have excellent relationships with both reporters in the area and across the country that we can leverage for our clients. To get the word out, we develop the right tools to communications with the media and determine the best outlets to tell your story. We help clients:
- Develop media plans and pitch calendars that pair story angles, spokespersons and media outlets on a timeline
- Identify and coaching spokespeople
- Develop media toolkits: FAQs, fact sheets, infographics, bios, visuals, videos
- Build online press rooms
- Build media lists
- Conduct media training
- Coordinate with spokespeople for kickoff media event, including partners
- Write speaking points
- Execute media pitching and follow-up
Sigler Communications has worked with dozens of local and national companies on infrastructure project communications. Our goal is to get your project completed on time and on budget. To do this, we bolster public understanding and support for a project before and during the construction process, keeping stakeholders informed of benefits and developments every step of the way. Our team is skilled at assessing stakeholder sentiments and explaining complex project processes in terms and methods that the public can understand. We are team players – working collaboratively with engineering firms and government or corporate communications staff to address concerns, risks and opportunities and chronicle project success. We have helped various clients with:
- Water infrastructure (new lakes/reservoirs, new plants and upgrades, new pipelines, lead pipeline replacement)
- Wastewater (pipelines, plants, wetlands and other innovative technologies)
- Environmental mitigation (river restoration)
- Transportation (public transport rail lines)
- Electric/power (plants, production facilities)
Risk communications requires communicating to stakeholders about a risk while appropriately putting it into its context without trivializing or exaggerating the true nature of the threat. Our team has worked on some of the most complex and controversial environmental sites and issues in the country. This experience has honed our skills and allowed us to help our clients deliver risk information credibly, to stakeholders and the news media. To navigate these difficult issues, we apply proven risk communications principles and often with third-party experts (e.g., toxicologists, NGO partners) who can bring our clients expertise and credibility. Our network of proven resources enables us to assemble the right team to handle sensitive issues such as environmental impacts, health concerns, diminution of property values, and economic impacts of company cutbacks or closure.
We help clients:
- Gauge, evaluate and monitor public concern
- Develop the right strategy and tools to communicate about risk
- Communicate risk in the most effective/appropriate manner possible
- Engage the public in problem solving
- Involve appropriate third parties
Sigler Communications implements strategic sustainability communications programs, strategies and content that strengthen relationships, bridge gaps and improve performance. Our team has been instrumental in helping numerous multinational organizations measure and communicate their sustainable development strategies, including sustainability reporting. Members of our team are certified in the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative framework and are very knowledgeable about reporting standards set forth by AccountAbility, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, International Integrated Reporting Council and the U.N. Principles on Human Rights.
Sigler Communications’ approach includes identifying all key stakeholder groups that need to be targeted and how to align them to your issues.
We group stakeholders by like-minded goals. There will be some audiences that are better to connect with on environmental, health and safety messaging (environmental NGOs), while others will more readily support your association’s position on local legislation. We create stakeholder maps that outline the issues each stakeholder group is likely to support in order to start developing the coalitions you need to succeed.
We have extensive experience in reaching out and developing positive relationships with local communities. Community relations programs start with a win-win idea and actively involve the community in how you do business. We have forged relationships with dozens of local community groups through technology, arts programs, sponsorships, events, education offerings and more.
Sigler Communications has a strong track record of helping companies and organizations educate key stakeholders, enhance general awareness and create branded messaging about their products or services. We have worked on market introductions for new businesses and successfully helped rebrand long-established organizations.
We have developed an integrated communication strategy that includes logo, tagline, advertising, collateral design, a social media campaign, community realtions and media relations, all working in concert to position our clients for success.
We are skilled at looking at the marketing and communications goals and developing the right words and tools to convey a brand through taglines and slogans. We can also develop the materials needed to educate, inform and position an organization. We have helped clients develop:
- Names, taglines and slogans
- Logos and branding design
- Graphic standards
- Annual reports
- Advertising
- Brochures
- Fact sheets/ FAQs
- Newsletters/eNewsletters
- Infographics
The best defense is a good offense. Sigler Communications’ team works with our clients to monitor issues mentioned in professional associations, news media, blogs, social media and other sources to address opportunities and threats.
We have extensive issues management experience and have worked on some of the most controversial, high-profile environmental sites in the state including Rocky Flats, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, the Asarco Globeville site, the Redfield site and others. As experts in risk communications, we are very well versed in communicating risk to the public and in a manner that is more readily understood, accepted and supported.
Our firm helps clients closely manage issues to avoid or minimize escalation.
We help you build strong relationships with key stakeholder groups. We listen to stakeholder interests and concerns and craft programs that create mutually beneficial solutions for the organization and its target audiences.
Sigler Communications has led the issues management, stakeholder engagement and strategic communications planning for more than 45 environmental sites in Colorado and nationally for both companies and government agencies. Issues we manage include water contamination, air quality concerns, natural gas fracking and water infrastructure construction. We develop the communication strategy and methods and handle interactions with property owners to ensure their needs and questions are addressed. We often develop “win-win” solutions to satisfy stakeholder concerns. Cooperative stakeholders make it possible to complete projects in a more timely and cost effective fashion.