Practicing what we Preach
We are pleased to launch our new Sigler Communications’ website today. Undertaking the process of updating a website gives us an even better appreciation of what our clients go through to build or update a site—it’s a lot of work.
Websites are so very important in our digital age. It’s hard to believe that the first website was published in 1991 by a British physicist no less. Since that time it’s estimated that there are 966 million websites in the world today. We have gone from a website being a “nice to have” to a “must have” of every good marketing and communications strategy.
Many small businesses, like ours, and even larger businesses are still on Version 1.0 or 2.0 of their websites. That’s a problem.
Today, websites must be mobile friendly. More than 75 percent of all users access the Internet via mobile devices and mobile media time has exceeded the desktop. Search engines, including the top dog, Google, use mobile compatibility as a factor when ranking websites. So in order for your business or organization to come up when someone searches for you, your website needs to be mobile friendly.
Websites today need to economize words, but be content rich. Information must be easy to find and visually depicted. It’s a tall order, but doable with the right game plan.
We thank our digital design partners at Watermark for helping us with our website refresh. We have created a multi-step process that walks businesses through website development in manageable chunks. And we work to ensure your website aligns with your other communications strategies and tools including social media.
We are very happy to have the new site done because we would rather be spending our time helping our clients meet their goals. Let us help you make it happen.